Thursday, February 18, 2010

For the love of's time to ask "why?"

With Nixon there was Watergate, with the (2nd) Bush administration there was Abu Ghraib, and the New York school system had the Queensbury Town Board.
For longer than we probably would even care to know, the government has been keeping the us in the dark, acting on secrecy and spending millions in taxpayer dollars for budget plans that, because of "confidentiality agreements," we as the general public have no idea about. So why are we so concerned with it? The answer kiddies is the fact that we, the people of this once great nation now teeming with scandal-stricken headlines gracing the front pages of almost every major publication, we are the ones paying for these scandals. We are the ones paying the money the government is spending in secret, and when we try to ask why the money is being spent the way it is, big brother tells us to simply shut our gaping maws and go back to our daily lives, AND FOR THE MOST PART WE DO! After reading through the editorials, I was happy to find that some people still care about the happenings that go on behind closed doors with our high ranking officials, but for the most part, it seems, people are indifferent or too afraid to voice their opinions. I think it is our definite right to know what the hell is going on, and why for instance $80,000 was paid to a teacher to end a contract. Sure, I dont live in the area and I was virtually unaffected by this, but if it is going on elsewhere, God knows it is happening here. Isn't it about time we stand up for ourselves and be the men and women we were born to be. Isn't it truly time for change...and I am not talking allocating Billions for health care here, I am talking about the simple right to know what our hard earned money is being spent on and why. It's time for some answers, but, as the articles prove, answers WILL NOT come if questions aren't asked. I say we go into these sorts of situations with the same mentality we had as children in a toy store. If you ask for a toy (answer) and your mom (government) says no, as again and ask louder. Keep asking until she either buys the damn thing or drags you out of the store in sheer and utter embarrassment. It always worked well for me anyways....

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